

On the third day of The Highlight 2014, we’re bringing you our picks of some of the best UI animations we’ve seen in apps and across the web. Apps have been a UI playground for quite some time now and it’s always great to see delightful animations in apps that make it a joy to use. Designers and developers are always trying to bring you the best experience in their apps. Our post that highlights our picks from 2013 is one of the most visited posts in 2014 on Beautiful Pixels and there’s no better encouragement for app developers. Here’s what we’ve chosen this year.



1. Design Shots

原文:The App Store has tons of Dribbble apps. We saw the Dribbble app boom a while back and even wrote about them here on Beautiful Pixels, but most of them didn’t see any updates after release. Design Shotsimpressed us at launch and has been consistently updated with new features. The animations, in particular, are absolutely fantastic. Every animation fits perfectly with the other and at no point does it feel like multiple libraries of animations thrown together. The animation that follows the avatar tap to profile view is stunning. Design Shots’ animations follow your finger as you swipe and the little things like this make all the difference. Design Shots for iPhone is available for Free on the App Store and you owe it to yourself to download the app.


译文:对于Dribbble,相信很多设计师并不陌生,那里汇集了众多国内外的设计者,他们在Dribbble上面发布优秀的设计作品,包括UI、图标、交互等,是获取灵感的不二之选。不过,早期在手机上浏览Dribbble却不是件愉快的体验,不能实现关注、点赞等操作,只能是纯粹的浏览。好在有了采用全新Dribbble API的Design Shots,一个没有过度设计的Dribbble客户端。




不过,既然是为设计师准备的应用,即使走的是主流设计的简约路线,但是整体的感觉依旧是逼格满满。尤其是动画,绝对是了不起的。Design Shots减少了很多不必要的过场动画,精简下来的 每个动画和其他之间的切换都是那么的浑然天成,根本就不会给人将多个动画库揉在一起的感觉。Design Shots的动画始终在跟随着你的手指,你的每一个触动都会带来细微的不同。

2. Lush

原文:Lush has almost everything going for it. Right from the beautifully minimal app icon to the colourful glyphs used inside, Lush stands apart from every other drink mixing app out there. Lush also has some of the best in app animations we’ve seen. Drinks slide across the screen like they would in a bar in a old western film while browsing. Small things like the tab bars we see in apps have been designed from the ground up to feel right at home with lovely colour changing animations and highlights. The design of each individual cocktail within the app is commendable. Lush absolutely nails animations that make apps memorable. It is a pity the app has still not been optimized for the larger screens on iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. It is still worth owning. Lush is available on the App Store for $1.99.





3. Clima

原文: Clima is one of the best weather apps we have seen for iPhone. It is a simple app that is filled with delightful animations. Transitions between different views are great and accompanied by a playful bounce. Clima shows you detailed weather conditions that are all a few taps away. It even has a lovely ripple animation on the colour bar pattern while it fetches the temperature. Clima manages to be unique in a flood of minimal weather apps on the App Store. Clima is available on the App Store for $0.99. Hopefully it gets updated to support the new iPhone screens soon.


译文:如果说Design Shots走的是简约派,那么Clima的路线绝对是小萝莉,应用里充满了可爱的动画。主界面由上而下是由暖色逐步过渡到冷色,应用内界面切换细节不仅流畅自然还伴随着顽皮的弹性效果。当获取温度时,颜色条框上还会出现萌萌的涟漪动画。任意方向的滑动都会激活一项任务,在App Store众多的天气应用中,轻量级的Clima能够立足其中,充满活力的动画效果是不可或缺的存在。如果你在做一款比较大众的应用的话,通过动画效果将应用变得更有意思会是你胜过其他对手的一个不错的方式。



4. Storehouse

原文:  Storehouse has been one of the best apps to hit the App Store in recent times, rightly winning the App Design Award this year. Storehouse isabsolutely phenomenal on the iPad and works just as well on the smaller screen of the iPhone. The team has done a stellar job in crafting for both these devices and a few minutes with the app makes it very evident. The app is meticulously crafted with some fantastic animations as you browse through the stories posted by the community or post your own. We especially like the suble pull-to-refresh animation as well as the way the photos fall into place when you scroll. Storehouse is available as a Universal app Free on the App Store.






5. ReadMe

原文:  ReadMe.io’s Owl mascot instantly delights you when you try to Sign Up or Log In on the site. On the Sign Up page, the owl is pointing to the field currently in focus with his right feather. As the focus moves to the next field, so does his pointer. On the Log In page, as your focus moves to the password field, the owl covers his eyes so as to not see your password. Both these animations are perfect examples of little things that delight users.





6. Unread

原文:  Unread, the fantastic RSS reader app for iPhone and iPad that we’ve recommended for quite some time now has had some ridiculously good animations and gestures, but we particularly like its pull-to-refresh animation. The whole app, originally crafted by Jared Sinclair but now in development with the folks at Supertop, is filled with some wonderful and subtle little things that make it a joy to use. Unread is available Free on the App Store for iPhone and iPad.


译文:Unread是iOS上的一款RSS阅读器,起初是由独立开发者Jared Sinclair完成,之后被Supertop开发商购买并进行后续开发。相较于其他阅读器,Unread要更纯粹精简一点,UI界面不会有其他干扰元素。它拥有极好的手势和动画效果,整个应用采用的都是手势交互,刚开始可能有点不习惯,不过时间一长你会发现其中的便捷性。此外,最受喜欢的是流畅的下拉刷新动画,让阅读成为一种享受,也让Unread变得更有质感。




7. TodoMovies

原文:  We’ve loved and recommended TodoMovies to anyone and everyone who is into films and the app does a great job of helping you discover and manage your lists of ’To Watch’ and ‘Watched’ films. The app has a wonderful little animation that plays out when you tap the share button in a particular film’s view. The poster for the film compresses into a circle and the four share options fly out at each side. You have to see it in action to appreciate it. TodoMovies is available Free on the App Store.





Google Inbox

原文:  There’s a lot to like about Google’s new Material Design principles and implementation, but we really like how the hamburger button turns into a back arrow in apps like Google Play on Android devices. The animation that plays is also quite delightful. A similar attempt is seen onstarwars.com where the hamburger button turns into two light sabers, but it being a website, the animation stutters a lot and the result just doesn’t feel right.

Special Mention: Google Play Arrow

There’s a lot to like about Google’s new Material Design principles and implementation, but we really like how the hamburger button turns into a back arrow in apps like Google Play on Android devices. The animation that plays is also quite delightful. A similar attempt is seen onstarwars.com where the hamburger button turns into two light sabers, but it being a website, the animation stutters a lot and the result just doesn’t feel right.

Special Mention Two

Inbox Zero Animation in the Inbox by Gmail iOS App

John Schlemmer, a Motion Designer at Google, pointed us towards this lovely animation that he worked on in the Inbox by Gmail iOS app when you’re at Inbox Zero. We totally missed this one.


GIF Via Dribbble

One of the most disappointing things about animations in 2014 is Pocket Casts losing its signature radio tuner animation when you pull to refresh. We’re not sure why, but we’re sure as hell sad to see it go.

译文:Inbox是Google发布的一款全新的邮箱应用,与Gmail同步后,会根据功能和来源对邮件进行细致的分类,让收件箱不再杂乱不堪。此外,还兼顾设置待办事项和设定邮件的处理日期等功能。当然,最令人眼前一亮的还是它的界面设计,使用全新设计语言Material Design打造的Inbox,有着很强的动画感,图标的滑出和板块的划分无不在昭示着Inbox的现代化。不过,Gmail的这次大整容,我们是无福消受了。




本篇文章为我是UE网独家原翻首发:原文来自Beautiful Pixels


上一篇 2015-01-14 02:25
下一篇 2015-01-14


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